S.H.A.P.E.S. PowerPoint

S.H.A.P.E.S. PowerPoint


I used to have doubts in God's existence and the reliability of the Bible due to my scientific beliefs. In 1999 I began researching data on how modern scientific evidence supported the Bible and the creation story. I quickly realized that there is much evidence from many subject areas which drastically support the theory of creation but cause many problems for the theory of evolution. My study of evidences (as scientific, historic, archaeological, etc.) proved to me that the Bible is very reliable. Therefore I realized I could trust the rest of the Bible including the Gospel of Jesus. Check out my articles for amazing evidence. Especially see my Audio Script articles: "Evidence for Biblical Reliability," "Creative Views of Science" and "Man's Early History." It has become a ministry for me to collect and share evidences for the reliability of the Bible. I also enjoy sharing what my faith means to me and how my Biblical Worldview shapes my life. To learn more about my transformation, read my testimonies "My Walk With God - From Doubt To Understanding" and "My World View." I hope you enjoy this site.

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